A5 Magazine & CAPS Nano Press
Agripas 12 Gallery
Alejandra Okret, Lucy Elkivity, Doron Adar
Asia Publishers / Marcel Art Projects
Avrami Family
Buro Mayak/Agata Chachko
Carole Glauber
Dalia Gal Sverdlin
Daniel Arom/Ofir Barak
Daniel Kond
Daniella Wexler/Leora Chashin
Dror Karta
EM Art Publishers
Goal Azmi
Hagar Cygler/Lihi Binyamin/Eldad Menuchin/Youval Hai
Heddy Breuer Abramowitz /Judith Appleton/Linda Lieff Altabef
In Print Art Book Fair
Jantarish Print
Jerusalem Print Workshop
Judith Margolis/Bright Idea Books
Ken Taranto
Leora Wise
Lihi Turjeman
Lior Sassy
Marie Gallery
Mark Kanovich
Masha Neverova
Meir Reuven Zalevsky
Meytar Moran
Michal Greenboim
Musrara, The Naggar School of Art and Society
Nurit Gur Lavy Karni / Noa Ben Nun Melamed
Ola Gal
Rachel Fishman
Rakefet Vilner Omer
Ron Chen
Rotem of Qiryat Gat
Salomon & Daughters Books
Shablool Marbled Art
Shahar Katz / Josefa Frenkel
Sharon Proper
Shiri Furst
Sigal (Sigaluna) Rak Viente
Sigal Caspin Segal
Sternthal Books
TaTarbut Hamehoga
Tomer Kep, Noa Sadka and Noga Greenberg
Visual Communication Department at Bezalel
Why Hedgehog?
Yaal Herman - Stereography and more
Yael Shaya - Under the skin
Yehuda Miklaf
Yundler Brondino Verlag
Zippy Burman and Alix H. Luntz